by Sarah Jean
~ Meet Sarah ~

I'm Sarah!
Hello beautiful! Welcome to my page! Allow me to tell you a little bit about myself. My love for makeup developed early, in middle school. All of the girls were finally allowed to wear makeup and we were making messes of our faces! White eye shadow, too much eyeliner, and mismatched foundations adorned our faces. In an effort to rectify our lack of skills my mom hired a professional makeup artist to come to my birthday party and teach us the tricks of the trade. It was so much fun!
Before we knew it we were the only girls in our year who were able to accentuate our natural beauty! Little did my mom know, she ignited a passion within me that would grow throughout my lifetime. I began doing makeovers on anyone who would let me until I eventually landed my position at MAC Cosmetics. I became a MAC certified makeup artist where I stayed for 3 years doing makeovers on people of all races, sexes, and ages. It was an incredible opportunity to expand upon my natural talent.
Currently I am able to both add color & drama, or simply enhance a woman's natural beauty. I love accentuating natural beauty and highlighting a woman's best features. It is my mission to ensure that every woman my brushes touch walks away feeling confident and absolutely beautiful!